Companionship to Equip & Empower
Mums’ Cottage is a not for profit organisation providing benevolent relief for individuals and families in the community.
Parenthood is a life altering, often challenging, overwhelming and isolating experience. For people facing this journey alone, with hardship or lack of support, we come along side with practical support, resources and most importantly a social community and companionship, placing value upon each individual.
Life at the Cottage
Check out our facebook page or join our mailing list to see which social connection groups, activities or community events you could get involved with! Our focus is companionship and it is through building authentic, supportive relationships that we are able help individuals and families in the community.
Interested in becoming a Volunteer?
The Cottage is always in need of volunteers in a range of different areas, on different days. No special skills are required, just a heart to serve! Call or email us today to chat with our Volunteer Coordinator!
admin@mumscottage.org.au or (49) 53 41 05.

“From food parcels to Christmas presents, I don't know what I would have done without the help of Sister Helen-Anne and her team. I feel so blessed and privileged to be welcomed in and helped the way I have been, with love and care.
— Cottage Guest
If you, or someone you know could benefit from the services of Mums’ Cottage, we warmly welcome you to call or visit us.
Interested in joining our email list for important updates and events?
Send us an email at admin@mumscottage.org.au
Our Mission Statement
Here at Mums’ Cottage there are companions who are willing to walk with others as they journey along the road of life.
We are fellow pilgrims who interact without expectation, judgement or criticism as others continue to discover their own beauty and rich potential.
Mums’ Cottage is a sanctuary where all are offered Hope as they move toward a richer, fuller life.
In the words of St Mary MacKillop, Mums’ Cottage does it’s best to “Never see a need without trying to do something about it”.